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All The Lovers In The Night - Mieko Kawakami, Pan Macmillan, 2023

213 Kč

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All The Lovers In The Night - Mieko Kawakami, Pan Macmillan, 2023
All The Lovers In The Night - Mieko Kawakami, Pan Macmillan, 2023

All The Lovers In The Night

Fuyuko Irie is a freelance proofreader in her thirties. Living alone, and unable to form meaningful relationships, she has little contact with anyone other than Hijiri, someone... Číst víc

5,0 4 hodnocení
Pan Macmillan, 2023
224 stran
3 hodiny čtení

Fuyuko Irie is a freelance proofreader in her thirties. Living alone, and unable to form meaningful relationships, she has little contact with anyone other than Hijiri, someone she works with... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

213 Kč

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Další knižní vydání
All The Lovers In The Night - Mieko Kawakami, Picador, 2022
Brožovaná vazba
Angličtina, 2022

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All The Lovers In The Night - Mieko Kawakami, Pan Macmillan, 2023
213 Kč

Více o knize

From international literary sensation Mieko Kawakami comes All the Lovers in the Night, an extraordinary, deeply moving and insightful story set in contemporary Tokyo.

Fuyuko Irie is a freelance proofreader in her thirties. Living alone, and unable to form meaningful relationships, she has little contact with anyone other than Hijiri, someone she works with. When she sees her reflection, she’s confronted with a tired and spiritless woman who has failed to take control of her own life. Her one source of solace: light. Every Christmas Eve, Fuyuko heads out to catch a glimpse of the lights that fill the Tokyo night. But it is a chance encounter with a man named Mitsutsuka that awakens something new in her. And so her life begins to change.

As Fuyuko starts to see the world in a different light, painful memories from her past begin to resurface. Fuyuko needs to be loved, to be heard, and to be seen. But living in a small world of her own making, will she find the strength to bring down the walls that surround her? All the Lovers in the Night is acute and insightful, entertaining and captivating, pulsing and poetic, modern and shocking. It’s another unforgettable novel from Japan’s most exciting writer.
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brožovaná vazba
130×197 mm
164 g
Rok vydání
Pan Macmillan
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5,0 / 5

4 hodnocení


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Čtenářské recenze

All the lovers in the night
Mieko Kawakami je hlasom novej generácie žien. Tých, čo sa cítia byť samé, odstrihnuté od spoločenských noriem, snažiace sa nájsť svoje miesto vo svete. Po Breasts and Eggs a Heaven sa jedná o ďalšiu precíznu a detailnú sondu do psyché obyčajného človeka, čo ani nevie po čom túži. Netuší ani, čo si zaslúži. Kawakami rozpráva možno všedný príbeh, ale to čo sa skrýva pod povrchom, úvahy, pohľady, vnímanie sveta ako takého, je tak silné vo svojej jednoduchosti a tak výpovedné vo svojej priamosti, že to jedného núti k zamysleniu a odhaľuje čarosmutný mikrosvet, aký vlastní každý jeden z nás. Nádherný príbeh o svetle, nádeji a túžbe okorenený o štipku Chopina. Vrelo odporúčam. Číst víc

„Ať člověk utíká, jak chce, sobě samému neunikne. Je to jako se stínem. Pořád se vás to drží.“

Po otřesech - Haruki Murakami, 2010
Po otřesech
  • Haruki Murakami