Babylon - R.F. Kuang, Host, 2024

Andrea Cingelová


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Infantilná "dospeláčka", ktorá tiché večery s knihou miluje rovnako ako šialené koncerty/festivaly, ktorá sa smeje hlavne na svojich vlastných vtipoch v tých najnevhodnejších situáciách a ktorá sa neberie príliš vážne. Mimo reálneho sveta ma vo virtuálnom nájdete aj tu → .
See you somewhere ;)

Oblíbené literární žánry

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Infantilná "dospeláčka", ktorá tiché večery s knihou miluje rovnako ako šialené koncerty/festivaly, ktorá sa smeje hlavne na svojich vlastných vtipoch v tých najnevhodnejších situáciách a ktorá sa neberie príliš vážne. Mimo reálneho sveta ma vo virtuálnom nájdete aj tu → .
See you somewhere ;)

Oblíbené literární žánry
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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

28.08.2017 18:04

Patrick Ness patrí medzi tých pár autorov, od ktorých si jednoducho musíte prečítať aspoň jednu knihu (je jedno ktorú, všetky sú dokonalé...ehm, inak som nezaujatá :D). Má takú čarovnú moc, že krásnymi a jednoduchými slovami dokáže opísať aj ťažké životné udalosti. Posolstvo príbehu prekonalo aj kostrbatý začiatok, ktorý sme s knižkou mali. Keďže som si nečítala ani anotáciu, ani úryvky, ani iné recenzie, ani nič... veľmi dlho som nemala potuchy, čo to vlastne čítam... a po dočítaní teraz nemám potuchy, čo so svojím životom...
Tak, ako som kedysi dávno nevedela ohodnotiť Zmiznutú Aljašku, tak teraz neviem ohodnotiť ani Niečo viac.
Niektoré knihy by sa jednoducho nemali hodnotiť ani recenzovať, len čítať. ?

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

28.08.2017 18:00

This should be something like a Bible for Book Lovers!
In fact, Words in Deep Blue is a love letter to all books. It's about people who love books, who read books, who write their thoughts into books, who "live" books, and also work in a bookstore. How cool is that?! The story and writing are effortlessly beautiful and it makes you feel so at peace... It's like meeting your new best friend. It's so perfect that I want to cry happy tears. I haven't read such a perfect book for a long time. Not only I could identify myself with it on 100%, but also it gave me a list of books I should read next. Now I just want to read more Australian literature! :D

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

28.08.2017 17:16

When you randomly chose a book in the bookstore and eventually you have been pleasantly surprised.
I did not know Connor. I did not know he is some "famous" guy, and I really did not know this book is an autobiography slash poem collection slash photo gallery. But, it was still interesting, liberating and eye-opening reading.
Sometimes it's true that the less you know about the book, the more it hits you into all the right places.

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

28.08.2017 17:14

Krásne ilustrácie s ešte krajšími útržkami šťastia. Niečo podobné som si sama spísala pred 5 rokmi, ale vždy je pekné pripomenúť si maličkosti, na ktorých záleží, a ktoré nás robia šťastnými, preto odporúčam!
Málo slov, ale veľa pocitov. :)

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

26.07.2017 22:49

Hands down. My new favourite book!
For those of you who do not know who is Atticus... he is a well-known instagram poet who wears a mask to remain anonymous, and so to always remind himself to write what he feels instead of what he thinks he should feels. Oh, guys, and how beautifully he can describe his feelings with just a few words. ?
I fell in love with his thoughts and his way of seeing the world. I fell in love with the love he wrote about. It´s raw, authentic and his message hits into all the right places.
It has awakened some part of me that always wanted to sit in the passenger seat. Next to you. Fingers catching the wind. My hair dancing to the rhythm of the cheesy song we are singing at the top of our lungs. Our hearts coming close to the adventure that is right there, behind the next sunset...
I'm waiting for you in the car...

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

26.07.2017 22:46

The writing style of We Come Apart is very unique. This book is written in free verse by two people, Sarah (Jess) and Brian (Nicu). I love this idea of collaboration and what I love even more is that they tried something different.
A dual-perspective is done really well. I was able to tell who's speaking without checking, thanks to Nicu's cute broken English and Jess's spiky thoughts. I loved switching between them seamlessly, but still, it took me a while to get into the story. What a pity, because when I started to enjoy the book, suddenly it ended.
The book is very current and it touches issues such as immigration, arranged marriage, domestic violence, xenophobia, bullying and more, this is a star-crossed love story which came from unique friendship. I know I mentioned a lot of negative topics, but the book brings also a positive atmosphere and hope. And what is more important than hope?
Just last two words about this book. Beautiful. Captivating.

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

26.07.2017 22:42

It's tearing me apart to confess that Lord of Shadows wasn´t what I am used to in Cassandra´s books.
BUT her little weaker piece is still better than most average YA fantasy books. It is a shame she saved most of the drama on the last chapter, but something tells me that it was her intention. She gave us 680 pages of unicorns, rainbows, pink clouds and feeling of security and then... she cut off unicorns´ horns, the rainbows have evaporated somewhere and eventually she stabbed a knife into our hearts!

No one can ever play with your feelings like Cassandra. Really, no one! She is The Queen of Plot Twist. At the end, you will be so miserable that you will not know what to do with your life... oh, I hate and love her at the same time.
The best thing other than joining the world of Shadowhunters again is the quick humour and the close bond between the characters which Cassandra can describe really masterfully... I just wish we didn’t have to wait so long for the next one! #dyinghere #notapatientperson

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

26.07.2017 22:38

Aaand because there is not such a thing as too much black humour, friends of this cute green dinosaur are still dead... so that's why his first book "All my friends are dead" had deserved this sequel... I guess. It wasn't as good as the first one, but this is still the perfect kind of book to give you a smile on a rainy day when you need one. I would recommend it to all twisted parents and sick teens. Enjoy! :D

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

26.07.2017 22:37

Weeeell, I know there are more pictures than written text, but this book was so morbid (in a good way, I swear :D) and funny and quick that it simply cannot be loved. When I´m feeling down or sad, this is my number one "go-to-re-reading book" because it reminds me, there’s someone, somewhere in this world who’s got more on his plate than I do... like this little green dinosaur without friends. This children’s book is a proof that things could always be worse... isn´t that positive? :D

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Andrea Cingelová napsala recenzi

29.06.2017 15:42

Viete, čo je naozaj magické? Ako pár dôkladne vybraných slov dokáže vyvolať milión pocitov a ako tieto slová znamenajú pre každého niečo iné. Ešte magickejšie je, že tých pár slov ozdobujú aj dôkladne vybrané fotografie. I Wrote This For You je skutočnou explóziou umenia a emócií. Je to cesta, ktorá vás prevedie životom, láskou, zlomeným srdcom, zamilovanosťou, nádejou, hnevom, zúfalstvom, sklamaním, posadnutosťou, priateľstvom...
I Wrote This For You môžu byť len zápisky blázna so zlomeným srdcom.
I Wrote This For You môžu byť len životné rady niekoho, kto zažil toho príliš veľa, príliš skoro.
I Wrote This For You môže byť tá najzvláštnejšia galéria fotografií, akú ste doteraz videli.
I Wrote This For You môže byť čokoľvek, čo teraz potrebujete...

“I have pretended to go mad in order to tell you the things I need to. I call it art. Because art is the word we give to our feelings made public. And art doesn’t worry anyone.”

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„Život je jako oceán. Cokoli špatného nebo dobrého do něj vhodíme, se nám vrátí.“