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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024

Jiří Novák

Tohle všechno chci

Weird Maths - David Darling, Agnijo Banerjee, Oneworld, 2018

At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond

Weird Maths

At the Edge of Infinity and Beyond

Is anything truly random? Does infinity actually exist? Could we ever see into other dimensions? In this delightful journey of discovery, David Darling and extraordinary child prodigy Agnijo Banerjee draw connections between ...

Handbook of Discrete-Valued Time Series - Richard A. Davis, Scott H. Holan, Robert Lund, Nalini Ravishanker, CRC Press, 2015

Handbook of Discrete-Valued Time Series presents state-of-the-art methods for modeling time series of counts and incorporates frequentist and Bayesian approaches for discrete-valued spatio-temporal data and multivariate data..

3 361 Kč
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Using Mplus for Structural Equation Modeling - E. Kevin Kelloway, Sage Publications

Ideal for researchers and graduate students in the social sciences who require knowledge of structural equation modeling techniques to answer substantive research questions, Using Mplus for Structural Equation ...

1 363 Kč
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Our Mathematical Universe - Max Tegmark, Allen Lane, 2014

Nature, said Galileo, is 'a book written in the language of mathematics'. But why should this be? How can mathematics be at the heart of our universe? ...

Mathematical Mindsets - Jo Boaler, Wiley-Blackwell, 2016

Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring …

Mathematical Mindsets

Unleashing Students' Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring …

Banish math anxiety and give students of all ages a clear roadmap to success. Mathematical Mindsets provides practical strategies and activities to help teachers and parents show all children, even those who are convinced that they are...

Matematické hlavolamy - Miroslav Telepovský, Enigma, 2010

Každý človek má určité vlastnosti ako je úroveň pozornosti, sústredenosť, dôvtip, schopnosť logicky myslieť a pod. Nie každý má však všetky dostatočne rozvinuté. Táto kniha, je jednou z možností, ako si tieto vlastnosti rozvíjať...

180 Kč
Skladem 3 ks
Posíláme ihned
Meze formalizace, analytičnosti a prostoročasu - Kolektív autorov, Filosofia, 2008

Monografie anglických, slovenských a českých příspěvků věnovaná stému výročí narození Kurta Gödela (28.4.1906) se zabývá tematicky rozlehlým prostorem úvah a inspirací, které jsou přímo či nepřímo motivovány Gödelovými objevy a důkazy...

A Natural Introduction to Probability Theory - Roland Meester, Birkhäuser Actar, 2010

Compactly written, but nevertheless very readable, appealing to intuition, this introduction to probability theory is an excellent textbook for a one-semester course for undergraduates in any direction that uses probabilistic ideas...

1 180 Kč
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Data Analysis with Mplus - Christian Geiser, Guilford Press, 2012

A practical introduction to using Mplus for the analysis of multivariate data, this volume provides step-by-step guidance, complete with real data examples, numerous screen shots, and output excerpts. The author shows how to ...

1 400 Kč
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Matematika v kocke pre základné školy a nižšie ročníky viacročných gymnázií - Jaroslav Eisler, Fragment, 2008

Prehľadná a graficky pútavo spracovaná doplnková učebnica je určená žiakom základných škôl a nižších ročníkov viacročných gymnázií. Neváhajte a siahnite po učebnici, v ktorej je zhrnuté učivo z matematiky. A nielen to...

113 Kč
Skladem 3 ks
Posíláme ihned
Calculus (Volume 1) - Tom M. Apostol, John Wiley & Sons, 1967

An introduction to the Calculus, with an excellent balance between theory and technique. Integration is treated before differentiation—this is a departure from most modern texts, but it is historically correct, and it is the best way to ...

9 331 Kč
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Handbook of Cluster Analysis - Christian Hennig, Marina Meila, Fionn Murtagh, Roberto Rocci, CRC Press, 2015

Handbook of Cluster Analysis provides a comprehensive and unified account of the main research developments in cluster analysis. Written by active, distinguished researchers in this area, the book helps readers make informed choices ...

3 361 Kč
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Matrix Perturbation Theory - G.W. Stewart, Academic Press, 1990

This book is a comprehensive survey of matrix perturbation theory, a topic of interest to numerical analysts, statisticians, physical scientists, and engineers...

3 758 Kč
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Olejárova encyklopédia logiky - Marián Olejár, Young Scientist, 2016

1250 abecedne zoradených encyklopedických hesiel ponúka prehľad logiky od elementárnych pojmov z učiva základných a stredných škôl až po témy vysokoškolského štúdia...

520 Kč
U dodavatele > 5 ks
Posíláme do 4 – 6 dnů
Dejiny matematiky - Ján Čižmár, Perfekt, 2017

Od najstarších čias po takmer súčasnosť

Dejiny matematiky

Od najstarších čias po takmer súčasnosť

Autor, profesor Čižmár, venoval štúdiu a napísaniu diela desiatky rokov, niet divu, veď dejiny matematiky v takomto rozsahu a hĺbke spracovania na Slovensku doteraz knižne...

Podlé a sebecké zlomky - Kjartan Poskitt, Slovart, 2015

Všetky zlomky, priemery a iné nechutnosti, ktoré sa nezmestili do aritmetiky, sa nachádzajú v tejto časti Vražednej matiky. Na zlomky narazíte všade, či už sa...

The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem - J.H. Wilkinson, Clarendon Press, 1988

This is a new paperback edition of probably the most important and widely read text on numerical analysis. It is the distillation of what the author learnt about the computation of matrix eigenvalues by dint of trying all methods ...

2 993 Kč
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The Joy of Mathematics - Theoni Pappas, Wide World Publishing, 1993

Discovering Mathematics All Around You

The Joy of Mathematics

Discovering Mathematics All Around You

Part of the joy of mathematics is that it is everywhere-in soap bubbles, electricity, da Vinci's masterpieces, even in an ocean wave. Written by the well-known mathematics teacher consultant, ...

406 Kč
Skladem 1 ks
Posíláme ihned
The Joy of X - Steven Strogatz, Atlantic Books, 2013

Maths is everywhere, often where we least expect it. Award-winning professor Steven Strogatz acts as our guide as he takes us on a tour of numbers that - unbeknownst to the most of us - form a fascinating and integral part of our everyday lives...

The Math Book - Clifford A. Pickover, Barnes and Noble, 2014

250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics

The Math Book

250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics

You don't have to be a whiz at maths to enjoy this fascinating appreciation of 250 milestones in the history of mathematics. The topics covered span more than 150 million years and range from the application ...


„Proti některým částem svého já zůstáváme bezmocní. “

Osamělost prvočísel - Paolo Giordano, 2021
Osamělost prvočísel
Paolo Giordano