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Leaf by Niggle - J.R.R. Tolkien, HarperCollins, 2016

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Leaf by Niggle - J.R.R. Tolkien, HarperCollins, 2016
Leaf by Niggle - J.R.R. Tolkien, HarperCollins, 2016

Leaf by Niggle

Published for the very first time in its own volume, Tolkien’s remarkable tale about a painter whose obsession with detail prevents him from finishing his great work. Niggle is... Číst víc

5,0 1 hodnocení
HarperCollins, 2016
64 stran
54 minut čtení

Published for the very first time in its own volume, Tolkien’s remarkable tale about a painter whose obsession with detail prevents him from finishing his great work. Niggle is a painter... Číst víc

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Letní paperbacky od Hostu se slevou - Martinus.cz, 2024

Více o knize

Published for the very first time in its own volume, Tolkien’s remarkable tale about a painter whose obsession with detail prevents him from finishing his great work. Niggle is a painter. Not a very successful one, partly because he has so many other things to do. For some time he has been obsessed with one particular canvas a curious picture of a tree with a vast landscape stretching out behind it. The painting keeps getting bigger and bigger, but Niggle has a journey to make. In 1939 Tolkien was despairing of ever bringing his great work The Lord of the Rings to a conclusion. One morning he woke up with the story Leaf by Niggle complete in his mind and wrote it down. This poignant story, about an artist on a curious journey, is often seen as an allegory of the writer’s own creative process and life. Published to coincide with a new touring stage production of the story, this is the first time the story has been published in its own volume, enabling readers to savour one of Tolkien’s most elegant, haunting and least-known short stories.
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113×179 mm
57 g
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5,0 / 5

1 hodnocení


Jak se líbila kniha vám?

J.R.R. Tolkien

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Nakladatelství HarperCollins

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