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Lovec draků - Khaled Hosseini, Argo, 2024
The Queen's Rising - Rebecca Ross, HarperCollins, 2018

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The Queen's Rising - Rebecca Ross, HarperCollins, 2018
The Queen's Rising - Rebecca Ross, HarperCollins, 2018

The Queen's Rising

A passionate story of intrigue, deception, truth and survival. A dazzling debut and the first part of a thrilling trilogy from an extraordinary new talent. Perfect for fans of... Číst víc

3,0 2 hodnocení
1. díl série
The Queen's Rising
HarperCollins, 2018
Počet stran

A passionate story of intrigue, deception, truth and survival. A dazzling debut and the first part of a thrilling trilogy from an extraordinary new talent. Perfect for fans of SIX OF CROWS and Sarah J. Maas. Born out of wedlock, ... Číst víc

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Patrik Hartl: Andulka Andula. Bourdon, 2024

Více o knize

A passionate story of intrigue, deception, truth and survival. A dazzling debut and the first part of a thrilling trilogy from an extraordinary new talent. Perfect for fans of Six of Crows and Sarah J. Maas. Born out of wedlock, Brienna is cast off by her noble family and sent to Magnolia House a boarding house for those looking to study the passions: art, music, dramatics, wit and knowledge. Brienna must discover her passion and train hard to perfect her skill, in the hope that she will one day graduate and be chosen by a wealthy patron, looking to support one of the impassioned’. As Brienna gets closer to the eve of her graduation, she also grows closer to her smart (and handsome) tutor, Cartier. He can sense that she is hiding a secret, but Brienna chooses not to reveal that she is experiencing memories of her ancestors memories uncovering the mysteries of the past that may have dangerous consequences in the present. A daring plot is brewing to overthrow the usurper king and restore the rightful monarchy and Brienna’s memories hold the key to its success. Cartier desperately wants to help Brienna, but she must chose her friends wisely, keep her enemies close and trust no one if she is to save herself and her people.
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Naše katalogové číslo
Počet stran
brožovaná vazba
130×197 mm
330 g
Rok vydání
Věkové doporučení
Spojené státy
1. díl série
The Queen's Rising
Pro koho
young adult

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3,0 / 5

2 hodnocení


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Čtenářské recenze

The Stolen Heir - Holly Black, 2023
Právě čtu
The Stolen Heir

Voľný čas rada trávim najmä čítaním kníh, kreslením a maľovaním. Milujem šport a prírodu.

Natália Botková
Ověřený nákup
Knihá má zaujímavý dej, plný zvratov a klamstiev. Jedna z mála kníh, kde hlavná postava nie je spojená s názvom knihy. Aj keď ide o dosadenie právoplatnej kráľovnej na trón, hlavnú postavu zohráva iné dievča, čo je vítaná zmena. Najviac ma pohltili rodinné vzťahy, či už staré alebo novovzniknuté oproti samotnéj láske. Číst víc

Nakladatelství HarperCollins

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„Řeknu ti tajemství, Hanno. Ta opravdu zlá strašidla nikdy nevypadají jako strašidla.“

Prohnilé město - Leigh Bardugo, 2022
Prohnilé město
  • Leigh Bardugo