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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
The Runaway Species - David Eagleman, Canongate Books, 2017

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The Runaway Species - David Eagleman, Canongate Books, 2017
The Runaway Species - David Eagleman, Canongate Books, 2017

The Runaway Species

How Human Creativity Remakes the World

Our relentless drive to create makes us unique among living creatures. What is special about the human brain that enables us to innovate? Why don't cows choreograph dances? Why... Číst víc

Canongate Books, 2017
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Our relentless drive to create makes us unique among living creatures. What is special about the human brain that enables us to innovate? Why don't cows choreograph dances? Why don't squirrels build elevators to their treetops? ... Číst víc

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Letní paperbacky od Hostu se slevou - Martinus.cz, 2024

Více o knize

Our relentless drive to create makes us unique among living creatures. What is special about the human brain that enables us to innovate? Why don't cows choreograph dances? Why don't squirrels build elevators to their treetops? Why don't alligators invent speedboats?Weaving together the arts and sciences, neuroscientist David Eagleman and composer Anthony Brandt explore the need for novelty, the simulation of possible futures, and the social components that drive the inventiveness of our species. Taking us on a tour of human creativity from Picasso to concept cars to umbrellas to lunar travel, Brandt and Eagleman explore the cognitive software that generates new ideas, and illuminate the key facets of a creative mentality. Through understanding our ability to innovate - our most profound, mysterious, and deeply human capacity - we can meet the challenge of remaking our constantly shifting world.
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154×214 mm
621 g
Rok vydání
Spojené státy,
Canongate Books
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„Proti některým částem svého já zůstáváme bezmocní. “

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Paolo Giordano