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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
SAS - Ben MacIntyre, Penguin Books, 2022

251 Kč

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SAS - Ben MacIntyre, Penguin Books, 2022
SAS - Ben MacIntyre, Penguin Books, 2022


Rogue Heroes

From the secret SAS archives and bestselling author Ben Macintyre: The first ever authorized history of the SAS... Číst víc

Penguin Books, 2022
384 stran
5-6 hodin čtení

From the secret SAS archives and bestselling author Ben Macintyre: The first ever authorized history of the SAS... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

251 Kč

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Divé ženy - Emilia Hart, Kontrast, 2024
SAS - Ben MacIntyre, Penguin Books, 2022
251 Kč

Více o knize

From the secret SAS archives and bestselling author Ben Macintyre: The first ever authorized history of the SAS.

In the summer of 1941, at the height of the war in the Western Desert, a bored and eccentric young officer, David Stirling, has a vision for a new kind of war: attacking the enemy where they least expect it - from behind their own lines.

Despite the intense opposition of many in British High Command, Winston Churchill personally gives Stirling permission to recruit the toughest, brightest and most ruthless soldiers he can find. And so begins the most celebrated and mysterious military organisation in the world: the SAS.

With unprecedented access to the SAS secret files, unseen footage and exclusive interviews with its founder members, SAS: Rogue Heroes tells the remarkable story behind an extraordinary fighting force, and the immense cost of making it a reality.
Číst víc
Naše katalogové číslo
Počet stran
brožovaná vazba
198×129 mm
320 g
Rok vydání
Spojené království
Penguin Books

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„Jestli je na světě něco, za co by stálo umřít, je určitě lepší zůstat kvůli tomu naživu.“

Hlava XXII - Joseph Heller, 2016
Hlava XXII
Joseph Heller