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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
The Luxe Life - Fleur De Force, Headline Book, 2016

461 Kč

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The Luxe Life - Fleur De Force, Headline Book, 2016
The Luxe Life - Fleur De Force, Headline Book, 2016

The Luxe Life

Everyday Luxuries for Lovers of Beauty, Fashion and Food

Every girl deserves a little bit of luxe in her life and top beauty and fashion vlogger Fleur de Force. Sunday Times bestselling author of The Glam Guide - knows exactly how to... Číst víc

Headline Book, 2016
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Every girl deserves a little bit of luxe in her life and top beauty and fashion vlogger Fleur de Force. Sunday Times bestselling author of The Glam Guide - knows exactly how to get it... Číst víc

  • Pevná vazba
  • Angličtina

461 Kč

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Všemi smysly - Rebecca Yarros, Nakladatelství Fragment, 2024
The Luxe Life - Fleur De Force, Headline Book, 2016
461 Kč

Více o knize

Every girl deserves a little bit of luxe in her life and top beauty and fashion vlogger Fleur de Force. Sunday Times bestselling author of The Glam Guide - knows exactly how to get it. Luxe living is all about becoming your best self - the one you've always wanted to be - and making it look effortless. It's about making every day feel special and knowing that a little bit of extra effort in any aspect of your life goes a long way. This is my lifestyle bible for girls who want to make The Luxe Life a reality, regardless of budget or time constraints.
Packed with:
  • Inspiring fashion and beauty advice
  • Budget-friendly hosting hacks
  • Lifestyle tips to make your home a sanctuary
  • Creative and thoughtful DIY gift ideas
  • Over 30 must-have recipes to take you from brunch to dinner party

The Luxe Life is the essential guide to wowing at every special occasion, and making every day special.
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Naše katalogové číslo
Počet stran
pevná vazba
166×227 mm
763 g
Rok vydání
Headline Book

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Jak se líbila kniha vám?

„Otče náš, jenž jsi na nebesích, co tam pořád v tom nebi děláš, slez už konečně a buď tady se mnou dole.“

Neděle odpoledne - Viktorie Hanišová, 2022
Neděle odpoledne
Viktorie Hanišová