Martinus Knihy roku 2024 - Nechte se inspirovat
Be Our Guest - Theodore Kinni, Disney, 2011

486 Kč

Při nákupu nad 999 Kč
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Be Our Guest - Theodore Kinni, Disney, 2011
Be Our Guest - Theodore Kinni, Disney, 2011

Be Our Guest

Perfecting the Art of Customer Service

Exceeding expectations rather than simply satisfying them is the cornerstone of the Disney approach to customer service. Now, in honor of the tenth anniversary of the original... Číst víc

Disney, 2011
Počet stran

Exceeding expectations rather than simply satisfying them is the cornerstone of the Disney approach to customer service. Now, in honor of the tenth anniversary of the original Be Our Guest, Disney Institute, which specializes in ... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

486 Kč

-10 %
Původní cena 543 Kč
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Půl duše - Olivia Atwater, Nakladatelství Fragment, 2025
Be Our Guest - Theodore Kinni, Disney, 2011
486 Kč

Více o knize

Exceeding expectations rather than simply satisfying them is the cornerstone of the Disney approach to customer service. Now, in honor of the tenth anniversary of the original Be Our Guest, Disney Institute, which specializes in helping professionals see new possibilities through concepts not found in the typical workplace, is revealing even more of the business behind the magic of quality service. During the last twenty-five years, thousands of professionals from more than thirty-five countries and more than forty industries have attended business programs at Disney Institute and learned how to adapt the Disney approach for their own organizations. Be Our Guest highlights the successes many of these companies have achieved, plus the key processes and best practices that have made Disney a trusted and revered brand around the world for more than eighty-five years.
Číst víc
Naše katalogové číslo
Počet stran
brožovaná vazba
160×236 mm
452 g
Rok vydání

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Jak se líbila kniha vám?

„Opravdu mě po dočtení dorazilo, že když skončíte se čtením, přejete si, aby byl autor váš úžasný kamarád a mohli jste mu zavolat, kdykoliv se vám chtělo.“

Kdo chytá v žitě - Jerome David Salinger, 2021
Kdo chytá v žitě
  • Jerome David Salinger