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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
Love x Style x Life - Garance Doré, Simon & Schuster, 2015

231 Kč

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Love x Style x Life - Garance Doré, Simon & Schuster, 2015
Love x Style x Life - Garance Doré, Simon & Schuster, 2015

Love x Style x Life

Garance Doré - 'the best thing to happen to style since Grace Coddington' (the Guardian) - is an ambassador of French taste and fashion, whose knack for making fashion... Číst víc

4,5 2 hodnocení
Simon & Schuster, 2015
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Garance Doré - 'the best thing to happen to style since Grace Coddington' (the Guardian) - is an ambassador of French taste and fashion, whose knack for making fashion accessible and fun has captivated millions of fans worldwide... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Mírně opotřebovaná
  • Angličtina

231 Kč

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Divé ženy - Emilia Hart, Kontrast, 2024
Love x Style x Life - Garance Doré, Simon & Schuster, 2015
231 Kč

Více o knize

Garance Doré - 'the best thing to happen to style since Grace Coddington' (the Guardian) - is an ambassador of French taste and fashion, whose knack for making fashion accessible and fun has captivated millions of fans worldwide. A fashion A-lister, beloved by top fashion editors and aspiring fashionistas alike, she takes a candid and self-deprecating approach that's thoroughly unique. Part-style guide, part-visual diary, part-intimate look into the world of one of fashion's most powerful influencers, Garance surprises us with her candour and intimacy, blending deeply personal storytelling with her unmistakable photos and illustrations in a unique narrative journey.
Infused with her honest and authentic writing, eclecticism and the wild, passionate spirit of her native Corsica, the book is a backstage pass behind fashion's frontlines, peppered with Garance's French-girl-next-door wit and advice on everything from mixing Zara with Chanel, to capturing the true essence of chic to pursuing a life and career that you love. This is a charmingly addictive read that will inspire you to discover and cultivate a chic that is all your own.
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brožovaná vazba
153×234 mm
795 g
Rok vydání
Simon & Schuster

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4,5 / 5

2 hodnocení


Jak se líbila kniha vám?

Garance Doré

Číst víc

„Když najdeš lásku, držíš se jí. Popadneš ji oběma rukama a uděláš, co můžeš, abys ji nepustila. Nejde se k ní otočit zády a předpokládat, že na tebe bude čekat, kdes ji nechala, dokud na ni nebudeš připravená.“

9. listopad - Colleen Hoover, 2021
9. listopad
Colleen Hoover