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Lovec draků - Khaled Hosseini, Argo, 2024
Homelessness among Older Adults in Prague - Marie Vágnerová, Ladislav Csémy, Jakub Marek, Karolinum, 2020

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Homelessness among Older Adults in Prague - Marie Vágnerová, Ladislav Csémy, Jakub Marek, Karolinum, 2020
Homelessness among Older Adults in Prague - Marie Vágnerová, Ladislav Csémy, Jakub Marek, Karolinum, 2020

Homelessness among Older Adults in Prague

Causes, Contexts and Prospects

Following their engaging study Homelessness among Young People in Prague, the authors of this book turn their attention to an older population facing the same issue, a very... Číst víc

Karolinum, 2020
Počet stran

Following their engaging study Homelessness among Young People in Prague, the authors of this book turn their attention to an older population facing the same issue, a very different situation since these older adults grew up under... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

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Lovec draků - Khaled Hosseini, Argo, 2024

Více o knize

Following their engaging study Homelessness among Young People in Prague, the authors of this book turn their attention to an older population facing the same issue, a very different situation since these older adults grew up under a communist regime where an obligation to work was enshrined in law and living on the street could result in a prison sentence. Based on three years of research, this book provides a slew of data-based statistical insights, analyzing the efficacy of relief provided by both the state and nonprofit organizations, detailing how the clients of such organizations rate their services, to what extent they accept assistance, and whether they believe it has helped them. More importantly, it features extensive interviews with real people, making it the first Czech book on this issue to present homelessness from the perspective of those who live with it every day.
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brožovaná vazba
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„V tajemstvích je síla. A ta síla slábne, když se o ně někdo rozdělí, takže je nejlepší, když se tajemství udržují, a udržují se pořádně. Když se o tajemství podělíš, o opravdová tajemství, o ta důležitá, dokonce jen s jedním jediným člověkem, změní je to. Když si je napíšeš, je to ještě horší, protože se nedá odhadnout, kolik lidí je uvidí na papíře, ať jsi s tím sebeopatrnější. Takže když už máš tajemství, je opravdu nejlepší je udržovat, jak pro jejich vlastní dobro, tak pro tvoje.“

Noční cirkus - Erin Morgenstern, 2020
Noční cirkus
  • Erin Morgenstern