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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
Saving Grace - Jane Green, Pan Books, 2015

262 Kč

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Saving Grace - Jane Green, Pan Books, 2015
Saving Grace - Jane Green, Pan Books, 2015

Saving Grace

From the number one bestselling author of Tempting Fate and The Accidental Husband comes Jane Green's stunning new novel about a shattered marriage and a devastating betrayal A... Číst víc

5,0 2 hodnocení
Pan Books, 2015
416 stran
6-7 hodin čtení

From the number one bestselling author of Tempting Fate and The Accidental Husband comes Jane Green's stunning new novel about a shattered marriage and a devastating betrayal A perfect stranger wants her perfect life... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

262 Kč

-5 %
Původní cena 276 Kč
U dodavatele
Posíláme do 22 – 27 dnů

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Naši skřítci doporučují

Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
Saving Grace - Jane Green, Pan Books, 2015
262 Kč

Více o knize

From the number one bestselling author of Tempting Fate and The Accidental Husband comes Jane Green's stunning new novel about a shattered marriage and a devastating betrayal. A perfect stranger wants her perfect life. Grace Chapman has the perfect life, living comfortably with her husband, bestselling author Ted, in a picture-perfect farmhouse on the Hudson River in New York State. Then Ted advertises for a new assistant, and Beth walks into their lives. Organized, passionate and eager to learn, Beth quickly makes herself indispensable to Ted and his family. But Grace soon begins to feel side-lined in her home - and her marriage - by this ambitious younger woman. Is Grace just paranoid, as her husband tells her, or is there more to Beth than first thought?
Číst víc
Naše katalogové číslo
Počet stran
brožovaná vazba
112×178 mm
227 g
Rok vydání
Pan Books

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Kupte společně
Saving Grace - Jane Green, Pan Books, 2015
Eleanor and Park - Rainbow Rowell, Orion, 2013
511 Kč


5,0 / 5

2 hodnocení


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Čtenářské recenze

Kupte společně
Saving Grace - Jane Green, Pan Books, 2015
Eleanor and Park - Rainbow Rowell, Orion, 2013
511 Kč

„Otče náš, jenž jsi na nebesích, co tam pořád v tom nebi děláš, slez už konečně a buď tady se mnou dole.“

Neděle odpoledne - Viktorie Hanišová, 2022
Neděle odpoledne
Viktorie Hanišová