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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
Mr Loverman - Bernardine Evaristo, Penguin Books, 2023

239 Kč

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Mr Loverman - Bernardine Evaristo, Penguin Books, 2023
Mr Loverman - Bernardine Evaristo, Penguin Books, 2023

Mr Loverman

Mr Loverman is a ground-breaking exploration of Britain's older Caribbean community, which explodes cultural myths and fallacies and shows the extent of what can happen when... Číst víc

Penguin Books, 2023
320 stran
4-5 hodin čtení

Mr Loverman is a ground-breaking exploration of Britain's older Caribbean community, which explodes cultural myths and fallacies and shows the extent of what can happen when people fear the consequences of being true to themselves... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

239 Kč

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Další knižní vydání
Mr Loverman - Bernardine Evaristo, Penguin Books, 2013
Brožovaná vazba
Angličtina, 2013
Více než 30 dní

265 Kč

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Anglické knižní novinky

Všemi smysly - Rebecca Yarros, Nakladatelství Fragment, 2024
Mr Loverman - Bernardine Evaristo, Penguin Books, 2023
239 Kč

Více o knize

Treat yourself to this joyful, big-hearted read from Booker Prize-winning novelist Bernardine Evaristo, part of our Penguin Essentials series which spotlights the very best of our modern classics

Barrington Jedidiah Walker is seventy-four and leads a double life. Born and bred in Antigua, he's lived in Hackney since the sixties. A flamboyant, wise-cracking local character with a dapper taste in retro suits and a fondness for quoting Shakespeare, Barrington is a husband, father and grandfather - but he is also secretly homosexual, lovers with his great childhood friend, Morris. His deeply religious and disappointed wife, Carmel, thinks he sleeps with other women. When their marriage goes into meltdown, Barrington wants to divorce Carmel and live with Morris, but after a lifetime of fear and deception, will he manage to break away?

Mr Loverman is a ground-breaking exploration of Britain's older Caribbean community, which explodes cultural myths and fallacies and shows the extent of what can happen when people fear the consequences of being true to themselves.
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Originální název
Mr Loverman
Počet stran
brožovaná vazba
110×178 mm
185 g
Rok vydání
Penguin Essentials
Penguin Books
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Jak se líbila kniha vám?

Bernardine Evaristo

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„Proti některým částem svého já zůstáváme bezmocní. “

Osamělost prvočísel - Paolo Giordano, 2021
Osamělost prvočísel
Paolo Giordano