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Tahle kniha ti změní život - Aleš Palán, Host, 2024
Trespass Against Us - Adam Smith, , 2017

198 Kč

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Trespass Against Us - Adam Smith, , 2017
Trespass Against Us - Adam Smith, , 2017

Trespass Against Us

    Brendan Gleeson and Michael Fassbender star in this British crime drama directed by Adam Smith. The film follows Chad Cutler (Fassbender), a petty criminal looking to break free... Číst víc


    Brendan Gleeson and Michael Fassbender star in this British crime drama directed by Adam Smith. The film follows Chad Cutler (Fassbender), a petty criminal looking to break free of the outlaw life... Číst víc

    • DVD film
    • Angličtina

    198 Kč

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    Trespass Against Us - Adam Smith, , 2017
    198 Kč

    Více o titulu

    Brendan Gleeson and Michael Fassbender star in this British crime drama directed by Adam Smith. The film follows Chad Cutler (Fassbender), a petty criminal looking to break free of the outlaw life he shares with his father Colby (Gleeson) and the rest of his extended family. Living in a trailer in the English countryside, Chad is torn between wanting a better life for his two young children and loyalty to his father, whose latest scheme involves the robbery of a nearby mansion.

    Region 2 (This DVD may not be viewable outside Europe. Read more about DVD formats.)
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    „Ať člověk utíká, jak chce, sobě samému neunikne. Je to jako se stínem. Pořád se vás to drží.“

    Po otřesech - Haruki Murakami, 2010
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