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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
Climax - Gaspar Noé, , 2018

468 Kč

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Climax - Gaspar Noé, , 2018
Climax - Gaspar Noé, , 2018


    Sofia Boutella stars in this French musical horror written and directed by Gaspar Noé. When a group of urban dancers meet at an abandoned boarding school for a three-day... Číst víc


    Sofia Boutella stars in this French musical horror written and directed by Gaspar Noé. When a group of urban dancers meet at an abandoned boarding school for a three-day rehearsal, they decide to dedicate an evening to... Číst víc

    • DVD film
    • Angličtina

    468 Kč

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    Naši skřítci doporučují

    Sníh, sauna, Suomi - Michaela Ahonen, Jota, 2024
    Climax - Gaspar Noé, , 2018
    468 Kč

    Více o titulu

    Tento produkt je v pôvodnom znení a neobsahuje české ani slovenské titulky a dabing.

    Sofia Boutella stars in this French musical horror written and directed by Gaspar Noé. When a group of urban dancers meet at an abandoned boarding school for a three-day rehearsal, they decide to dedicate an evening to a party where they share a bowl of sangria. When they start to hallucinate, they realise that someone has spiked the drink with LSD. As a few of the dancers begin to reveal their darkest secrets while under the influence of the drug, some will end up experiencing heaven while others descend into hell...
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    Recenze, kritiky

    „Prázdná ranní knihovna má v sobě něco, co mě vždycky hluboce zasáhne. Tiše a klidně tu odpočívají všechna slova, všechny myšlenky.“

    Kafka na pobřeží - Haruki Murakami, 2017
    Kafka na pobřeží
    Haruki Murakami