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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
Essential Fashion Illustrations: Details - Maite Lafuente, Rockport, 2007

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Essential Fashion Illustrations: Details - Maite Lafuente, Rockport, 2007
Essential Fashion Illustrations: Details - Maite Lafuente, Rockport, 2007

Essential Fashion Illustrations: Details

This book describes techniques for illustrating fashion details (referred to as flat or technical drawings)... Číst víc

Rockport, 2007
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This book describes techniques for illustrating fashion details (referred to as flat or technical drawings)... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

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Divé ženy - Emilia Hart, Kontrast, 2024

Více o knize

This book describes techniques for illustrating fashion details (referred to as flat or technical drawings). The details cover jackets, overcoats, trousers, skirts, shirts, blouses, dresses, knitted styles, accessories, foot wear, hats, bags, and sport shoes, with special attention to how clothing hangs, moves, and folds when being worn. Each chapter starts with an introduction, followed by images and explanatory captions for each illustration or series of illustrations. With a focus on shape and form, the book illustrates drawing with fine marker and hard pencil.
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Naše katalogové číslo
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brožovaná vazba
21,6x26 cm
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„Když najdeš lásku, držíš se jí. Popadneš ji oběma rukama a uděláš, co můžeš, abys ji nepustila. Nejde se k ní otočit zády a předpokládat, že na tebe bude čekat, kdes ji nechala, dokud na ni nebudeš připravená.“

9. listopad - Colleen Hoover, 2021
9. listopad
Colleen Hoover