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Tahle kniha ti změní život - Aleš Palán, Host, 2024
A Middle-earth Traveller - John Howe, HarperCollins, 2018

523 Kč

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A Middle-earth Traveller - John Howe, HarperCollins, 2018
A Middle-earth Traveller - John Howe, HarperCollins, 2018

A Middle-earth Traveller

Sketches from Bag End to Mordor

Let acclaimed Tolkien artist John Howe take you on an unforgettable journey across Middle-earth, from Bag End to Mordor, in this richly illustrated sketchbook fully of... Číst víc

4,8 4 hodnocení
HarperCollins, 2018
192 stran
3-4 hodiny čtení

Let acclaimed Tolkien artist John Howe take you on an unforgettable journey across Middle-earth, from Bag End to Mordor, in this richly illustrated sketchbook fully of previously unseen artwork, anecdotes and meditations on Middle-earth... Číst víc

  • Pevná vazba
  • Angličtina

523 Kč

U dodavatele 2 ks
Posíláme do 2 – 5 dnů
Další knižní vydání
Poutníkem po Středozemi - John Howe, Slovart CZ, 2022
Pevná vazba s přebalem
Čeština, 2022
Skladem 2 ks

411 Kč

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Více o knize

Let acclaimed Tolkien artist John Howe take you on an unforgettable journey across Middle-earth, from Bag End to Mordor, in this richly illustrated sketchbook fully of previously unseen artwork, anecdotes and meditations on Middle-earth. Middle-earth has been mapped, Bilbo's and Frodo's journeys plotted and measured, but it remains a wilderland for all that. The roads as yet untravelled far outnumber those down which J.R.R. Tolkien led us in his writings. A Middle-earth Traveller presents a walking tour of Tolkien's Middle-earth, visiting not only places central to his stories, but also those just over the hill or beyond the horizon. Events from Tolkien's books are explored - battles of the different ages that are almost legend by the time of The Lord of the Rings; lost kingdoms and ancient myths, as well as those places only hinted at: kingdoms of the far North and lands beyond the seas.

Sketches that have an `on-the-spot' feel to them are interwoven with the artist's observations gleaned from Tolkien's books as he paints pictures with his words as well as his pencil. He also recollects his time spent working alongside Peter Jackson on the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit film trilogies. Combining concept work produced for films, existing Middle-earth art and dozens of new paintings and sketches exclusive to this book, A Middle-earth Traveller will take the reader on a unique and unforgettable journey across Tolkien's magical landscape.
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Naše katalogové číslo
Počet stran
pevná vazba
195×252 mm
832 g
Rok vydání

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4,8 / 5

4 hodnocení


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Recenze od Martinusáků

Bezhraničnú fantáziu Pánov ilustrátorov – Alana Leeho a Johna Howa – budem vždy nesmierne obdivovať a vzhliadať k nim ako k vrcholku Taniquetilu. Sledovať aj tie najmenšie detaily ich kresieb je samo o sebe dychberúcim zážitkom a v spojení s úryvkami Tolkienových kníh a poznámok J. Howa bol tento zážitok pozdvihnutý (ak je to vôbec ešte možné) o ďalšiu umeleckú úroveň vyššie.

Vydaj sa, pútnik, ešte raz na cestu do Stredozeme a všímaj si aj ten najmenší detail a ťah ceruzkou. Zbadáš známe miesta, ale zazrieš aj cesty stratené či vekmi zabudnuté. A znova nadobudneš ten pocit, že si jej cestami kráčal, aj keď len chvíľu.

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Čtenářské recenze

Nakladatelství HarperCollins

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„Ať člověk utíká, jak chce, sobě samému neunikne. Je to jako se stínem. Pořád se vás to drží.“

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