Odborné a naučné knihy
Populární filtry
Since its first appearance in 1986, this magisterial work has won uniform praise from many of the world's leading comparatists. It has been acclaimed by senior judges and has been cited by the courts of many countries. This new, substantially rewritten...
Knihapevná vazba4 778 Kč-5 %Do 24 – 29 dnů
This scientific monograph maps various aspects of Codes of Ethics in Slovak companies. It provides an overview of their content, formal processing, use, and focus to describe this yet unexplored area and use the results in the education of future and...
Knihabrožovaná vazba258 KčDo 3 – 4 dnů
Examines the direct-to-consumer genetic testing industry's controversial use of 'wrap' contracts Uses the example of DTC genetic testing companies using wrap contracts as their dominant means of governance to show the challenges that disruptive...
Knihapevná vazba2 916 Kč-5 %Více než 30 dní
With advances in personalised medicine, the field of medical law is being challenged and transformed. The nature of the doctor-patient relationship is shifting as patients simultaneously become consumers. The regulation of emerging technologies is...
Knihapevná vazba2 808 KčVíce než 30 dní
Komentář je zpracován dle právního stavu účinného k 1. 1. 2021. Šesté vydání podrobného komentáře k zákoníku práce zapracovává nejaktuálnější změny, které přináší novela – zákon č. 285/2020 Sb...
Knihapevná vazbaVyprodané
The book provides an up-to-date English-language summary and analysis of health law in the Czech Republic, allowing readers to get acquainted with the basic principles, structure and rules of health care’s legal framework. It covers...
Knihapevná vazba556 Kč-7 %Do 3 – 4 dnů
This volume of the Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (NYIL) is the fiftieth in the Series, which means that the NYIL has now been with us for half a century. The editors decided not to let this moment go by unnoticed, but to devote this...
Knihapevná vazba3 723 Kč-5 %Více než 30 dní
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