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The Little Black Book - Otegha Uwagba, HarperCollins, 2017

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The Little Black Book - Otegha Uwagba, HarperCollins, 2017
The Little Black Book - Otegha Uwagba, HarperCollins, 2017

The Little Black Book

A Toolkit for Working Women

The essential career handbook for creative working women. Little Black Book: A Toolkit For Working Women is the modern career guide every creative woman needs... Číst víc

4,0 2 hodnocení
HarperCollins, 2017
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The essential career handbook for creative working women. Little Black Book: A Toolkit For Working Women is the modern career guide every creative woman needs... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
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91 Kč

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Více o knize

The essential career handbook for creative working women.

Little Black Book: A Toolkit For Working Women is the modern career guide every creative woman needs, whether you're just starting out or already have years of experience. Packed with fresh ideas and no-nonsense practical advice, this travel-sized career handbook is guaranteed to become your go-to resource when it comes to building the career you want. Writer Otegha Uwagba takes you through everything you need to build a successful self-made career: from how to negotiate a payrise to building a killer personal brand, via a crash course in networking like a pro, and tips for overcoming creative block. Plus Little Black Book is full of indispensable advice on how to thrive as a freelancer, and an entire chapter dedicated to helping you master the tricky art of public speaking. With contributions from trailblazing creative women including acclaimed author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Refinery29 co-founder Piera Gelardi, The Gentlewoman's Editor in Chief Penny Martin, and many more, Little Black Book is a curation of essential wisdom and hard-won career insights.Whether you're a thinker, a maker, an artist or an entrepreneur, you'll find plenty of inspiration for your working life here.
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brožovaná vazba
111×165 mm
120 g
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4,0 / 5

2 hodnocení


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Nakladatelství HarperCollins

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