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Den - Michael Cunningham, Odeon CZ, 2024
Cribsheet - Emily Oster, Profile Books, 2020

298 Kč

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Cribsheet - Emily Oster, Profile Books, 2020
Cribsheet - Emily Oster, Profile Books, 2020


A Data-Driven Guide to Better, More Relaxed Parenting, from Birth to Preschool

Parenting is full of decisions, nearly all of which can be agonized over. There is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at you from doctors, family, friends, and... Číst víc

Profile Books, 2020
Počet stran

Parenting is full of decisions, nearly all of which can be agonized over. There is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at you from doctors, family, friends, and strangers on the internet. But... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

298 Kč

Skladem 1 ks
Posíláme ihned
Další knižní vydání
Cribsheet - Emily Oster, Souvenir Press, 2019
Brožovaná vazba
Angličtina, 2019
Více než 30 dní
-5 %

468 Kč

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Naši skřítci doporučují

Všemi smysly - Rebecca Yarros, Nakladatelství Fragment, 2024
Cribsheet - Emily Oster, Profile Books, 2020
298 Kč

Více o knize

'Emily Oster is the non-judgemental girlfriend holding our hand and guiding us through pregnancy and motherhood. She has done the work to get us the hard facts in a soft, understandable way' Amy Schumer

Parenting is full of decisions, nearly all of which can be agonized over. There is an abundance of often-conflicting advice hurled at you from doctors, family, friends, and strangers on the internet. But the benefits of these choices can be overstated, and the trade-offs can be profound. How do you make your own best decision?

Armed with the data, Oster finds that the conventional wisdom doesn't always hold up. She debunks myths and offers non-judgemental ways to consider our options in light of the facts. Cribsheet is a thinking parent's guide that empowers us to make better, less fraught decisions - and stay sane in the years before preschool.
Číst víc
Naše katalogové číslo
Počet stran
brožovaná vazba
129×198 mm
295 g
Rok vydání
Profile Books

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Jak se líbila kniha vám?

„Otče náš, jenž jsi na nebesích, co tam pořád v tom nebi děláš, slez už konečně a buď tady se mnou dole.“

Neděle odpoledne - Viktorie Hanišová, 2022
Neděle odpoledne
Viktorie Hanišová