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Hospůdka v Praze - Julie Caplin, Cosmopolis, 2024

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Decoding Anne Lister - Caroline Gonda, Chris Roulston, Cambridge University Press, 2023
Decoding Anne Lister 

This is the first edited collection of essays on the nineteenth-century diarist Anne Lister. Now recognized as a UNESCO world heritage document, Lister's five-million-word diaries are paradigm-shifting in terms of their range of material, from social...

Rudolf II. und Prag - eseje, Správa Pražského hradu, 2000
Rudolf II. und Prag - eseje

The Deadline - Jill Lepore, Liveright, 2023
The Deadline 

Few, if any, historians have brought such insight, wisdom, and empathy to public discourse as Jill Lepore. Arriving at The New Yorker in 2005, Lepore, with her panoptical range and razor-sharp style...

Music, Art, and Metaphysics - Jerrold Levinson, Oxford University Press, 2011
Music, Art, and Metaphysics 

This is a long-awaited reissue of Jerrold Levinson's 1990 book Music, Art, and Metaphysics, which gathers together the writings that made him a leading figure in contemporary aesthetics. Most of the essays are distinguished...

Ordinary Notes - Christina Sharpe, Farrar Straus Girou, 2023
Ordinary Notes 

A singular achievement, Ordinary Notes explores profound questions about loss and the shapes of Black life that emerge in the wake. In a series of 248 notes that gather meaning as we read them, Christina Sharpe skillfully weaves artifacts from the past...

Relae - Christian F. Puglisi, Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed, 2014

A gorgeous, impeccably designed cookbook from one of Denmark's star chefs, in which he reveals the theory and philosophy behind the food of his award-winning restaurant Relae...

Generál v umyvadle plném blues - Michal Šanda, Větrné mlýny, 2022
Generál v umyvadle plném blues

Michal Šanda sesbíral v posledních letech řadu ocenění, byl nominován na Magnesii Literu, získal komiksovou cenu Muriel nebo mezinárodní Bologna Ragazzi Award. Seřazením do kompaktního více než tisícistránkového svazku...

Inventions of a Present - Fredric Jameson, Verso, 2024
Inventions of a Present 

The giant of literary theory analyses the novel: Conrad, James, Atwood, Oe, Mailer, Grass, Grossman, Garcia Marquez, Gibson, Knausgaard and more...

Let let - Bohumila Grögerová, Josef Hiršal, Torst, 2007
Let let

První úplné vydání rozsáhlého memoárového díla, které patří k nejdůležitějším svědectvím o české kultuře let 1952-1968. Text...

Zomri: Chliev, ZOMRI, 2022
Zomri: Chliev

Interaktívna stieracia kniha obsahujúca zbierku tragikomických ilustrácií, ktoré vystihujú, čo sa v našej krajine deje...

I'm Mostly Here To Enjoy Myself - Glynnis Macnicol, Penguin Books, 2024
I'm Mostly Here To Enjoy Myself 

After New York City emptied out in March 2020, Glynnis MacNicol, aged 46, unmarried with no children, spent 16 months alone in her tiny Manhattan apartment. The isolation was punishing. A year without touch.

The Collected Prose of Sylvia Plath - Sylvia Plath, Faber and Faber, 2024
The Collected Prose of Sylvia Plath 

The complete edition of Sylvia Plath's prose including much unpublished and previously uncollected material, edited by Peter K. Steinberg. The Collected Prose stands alongside the Journals (2000) and the two volume Letters (2017 and 2018) to support...

Ways of Drawing - Royal Drawing School, Thames & Hudson, 2019
Ways of Drawing 

Ways of Drawing brings together a sophisticated, exciting range of reflections on markmaking by practising artists, teachers and writers. From explorations of how it feels to draw and personal accounts of artistic development...

Domácí úkoly - Bohumil Hrabal, Mladá fronta, 2014
Domácí úkoly

Domácí úkoly se vymykají z Hrabalovy prozaické tvorby, stojí na jejím okraji. Jde o koláž z autorových esejů, poznámek, rozhovorů, medailonků o výtvarnících, statí a článků, drobných lyrických i filozofických miniatur...

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Good Pictures - Kim Beil, Stanford, 2020
Good Pictures 

A picture-rich field guide to American photography, from daguerreotype to digital...

Belonging: A Culture of Place - Bell Hooks, Routledge, 2004
Belonging: A Culture of Place 

What does it mean to call a place home? Who is allowed to become a member of a community? When can we say that we truly belong?...

Why Graphic Culture Matters - Rick Poynor, Occasional Papers, 2023
Why Graphic Culture Matters 

'Why Graphic Culture Matters' gathers 45 thought-provoking essays by design critic Rick Poynor about graphic design and visual communication, written in the past two decades. Poynor writes as a non-designer deeply immersed...

Dark Days, DC Comics, 2018
Dark Days 

The unforgettable team of Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Jim Lee, John Romita Jr. and Andy Kubert combine forces to set the stage for the epic event Dark Nights: Metal with Dark Days: The Road to Metal, complete with a embossed metallic cover! ...

Open Questions - Helen Molesworth, Phaidon, 2023
Open Questions 

An illustrated reader featuring a collection of essays from trailblazing curator and writer Helen Molesworth – the first book of her collected writings...

Trick Mirror - Jia Tolentino, Fischer Taschenbuch, 2021
Trick Mirror 

Für alle, die sich fragen, wie eine internetgeschädigte Susan Sontag geschrieben hätte - Jia Tolentino ist die Stimme ihrer Generation. Sie setzt sich schonungslos mit den Konflikten, Widersprüchen und...

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