Co čte Michelle Losekoot
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Knižní tipy od Michelle Losekoot, digitální vypravěčky na volné noze. Michelle spoluautorkou bestsellerů Bez jablka (2016), Jak na sítě (2019) a Ztracenné (2023). Vede kurzy kreativních technik a obsahového marketingu. Stojí za projekty Posviť, nebo Píše nejčtenější český newsletter o kreativitě 3Ká.
Už ti někdy někdo řekl, že máš příliš bujnou představivost? Že žiješ ve světě fantazie a máš se radši vrátit na zem? Přitom právě lidská schopnost představit si něco, co není (ale třeba by mohlo být), umožnila vynález penici
The Runaway Species is a deep dive into the creative mind, a celebration of the human spirit, and a vision of how we can improve our future by understanding and embracing our ability to innovate. David Eagleman and Anthony Brandt seek to answer...
A powerful and inspiring book from the founders of IDEO, the award-winning design firm, on unleashing the creativity that lies within each and every one of us. Too often, companies and individuals assume that creativity ...
Many famed music producers are known for a particular sound that has its day and then ages out. Rick Rubin is known for something else...
Bohatě ilustrovaná, chytrá a vtipná knížka o tvoření, novátorství a plagiátorství v digitální době. Lze dnes vůbec být 100% původní? A má smysl o to usilovat? Austin Kleon dospívá k závěru, že absolutní původnost je nedosažitelný cíl. Tvorba je a...
Měli jste někdy v noci před spaním vizi člověka, kterým byste se mohli stát, práce, které byste mohli dosáhnout, díla, které byste chtěli vytvořit? Jste spisovatel, který nepíše, malíř, který nemaluje, nebo podnikatel, který nikdy nezaložil podnik?
As the witty and passionate chief art critic for New York magazine, Jerry Saltz is often approached by artists, both amateur and professional, asking him for advice: How do I get started? How do I get better? Is what I'm doing even art at all? They...
An essential volume for generations of writers young and old. The twenty-fifth anniversary edition of this modern classic will continue to spark creative minds for years to come. Anne Lamott is "a warm, generous...
Vaše práce pokulhává? Chcete se zbavit pocitu marnosti? Přejete si najít odvahu k realizaci a sdílení toho, co tvoříte? Potřebujete vyhecovat, povzbudit a najít ten správný stimul?...
Ať už si o knihách Stephena Kinga myslíme cokoli, jedno musí uznat každý: své „řemeslo“ zvládá skvěle. Je vynikající spisovatel, a to se odráží i na jeho „memoárech“. Kingova napůl autobiografie, napůl příručka pro...
Why are we creative? Why are we not? In The Dialectic of Creativity, film director, author and producer Hermann Vaske explores these questions in conversations...
Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling
Whether we realize it or not, we are always telling stories. On a first date or job interview, in a sales presentation or therapy appointment, with family or friends, we are constantly narrating events and interpreting emotions and actions...
Creativity For Sale
How to start and grow a life-changing creative career and business
Start building a business where creativity can, and will, change your life...
The instant #1 NEW YORK TIMES Bestseller Named a Hot Fall Read by USA Today, Vanity Fair, Newsday, O Magazine, theSeattle Times, Minneapolis Star-Tribune, Mashable, Pop Sugar, and the San Antonio Express-News Named a Best Book of the Year ...
A wake-up call for creatives who need that inspiring kick to finally create the thing theyve been meaning to make, while celebrating the journey of trying, learning, and failing. Over the last eight years, Jason Bacher and ...
A scuba diving company faces bankruptcy because sharks have infested the area. Solution? Open the world's first extreme diving school. The Art of Creative Thinking reveals how we can transform ourselves, our businesses and our society through ...
Humans have always been creative hustlers—problem solvers who seek to live beyond the limits suggested by society. Yet we live in a world where the place you were born, the amount of money you have, and the level of melanin in your skin indicate the ...
Creative Acts For Curious People
How to Think, Create, and Lead in Unconventional Ways
A vibrantly-illustrated collection of captivating and practical models to help you bring creativity to any challenge you face, from Stanford University's world-renowned
A science-backed method to maximize creative potential in any sphere of life With the prevalence of computer technology and outsourcing, new jobs and fulfilling lives will rely heavily on creativity and innovation...
One of the world’s leading creative artists, choreographers, and creator of the smash-hit Broadway show, Movin’ Out, shares her secrets for developing and honing your creative talents—at once prescriptive and inspirational, a book to stand alongside ...