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Tahle kniha ti změní život - Aleš Palán, Host, 2024
The mermaid's voice returns in this one - Amanda Lovelace, Andrews McMeel, 2019

369 Kč

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The mermaid's voice returns in this one - Amanda Lovelace, Andrews McMeel, 2019
The mermaid's voice returns in this one - Amanda Lovelace, Andrews McMeel, 2019

The mermaid's voice returns in this one

Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet and USA TODAY bestselling author Amanda Lovelace presents the mermaid’s voice returns in this one — the third and final installment in her... Číst víc

3,8 4 hodnocení
Andrews McMeel, 2019
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Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet and USA TODAY bestselling author Amanda Lovelace presents the mermaid’s voice returns in this one — the third and final installment in her “women are some kind of magic” series, featuring a ... Číst víc

  • Brožovaná vazba
  • Angličtina

369 Kč

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The mermaid's voice returns in this one - Amanda Lovelace, Andrews McMeel, 2019
369 Kč

Více o knize

Goodreads Choice Award-winning poet and USA TODAY bestselling author Amanda Lovelace presents the mermaid’s voice returns in this one — the third and final installment in her “women are some kind of magic” series, featuring a foreword from Lang Leav and 13 guest poems from leading voices in poetry such as Nikita Gill, KY Robinson, and Orion Carloto.

The mermaid is known for her siren song, luring bedroom-eyed sailors to their demise. However, beneath these misguided myths are tales of escapism and healing, which Lovelace weaves throughout this empowering collection of poetry, taking you on a journey from the sea to the stars. They tried to silence her once and for all, but the mermaid’s voice returns in this one.
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brožovaná vazba
152×225 mm
286 g
Rok vydání
Andrews McMeel

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Kupte společně
The mermaid's voice returns in this one - Amanda Lovelace, Andrews McMeel, 2019
Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur, Andrews McMeel, 2015
649 Kč


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4 hodnocení


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Kupte společně
The mermaid's voice returns in this one - Amanda Lovelace, Andrews McMeel, 2019
Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur, Andrews McMeel, 2015
649 Kč

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